Segmentation based on related products for industrial until general needs. In order to make us more effectiveness in meeting your needs become more fastest.


The Material segment consists of materials to be applied to various industrial needs. We are experienced in providing materials for electronics, automotives and any industrial product, now also we are ready to accept other industrial challenges in order to meet industrial growth that is ready to face the era of high technology in the future

Industrial Solutions
The Industrial Solutions segment consists of the additives for industrial applications, such as fuel and lubricant solutions, polymer dispersions, pigments, resins, electronic materials, antioxidants, light stabilizers and so on. We aim to drive organic growth in key industries such as automotive, plastics, electronics.
Our facility
Local transaction (base price is DPP / Franco factory)
We give you free from doing custom clearance process, so it can minimize your administration process import. SKI have green Line process (Process of service and supervision of imported goods without physical inspection, except document custom, is the process of care and supervision of imported goods by document Customs. Lead time is 2 – 3 days process after ETA port.
Ginza Business Loft Jababeka No. C7, Jl. Cikarang Baru Raya, Kel. Sertajaya, Kec. Cikarang Timur, Kab. Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17823
Email Us: marketing@showakosan.co.id Call Us:
+62 21 80615720 / 21
+62 21 80615719
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